67.00 Inkl. moms

X-GPS Track LUX er en ægte GPS-tracker, med præcis positionering, som du kan montere på din motorcykel, bil, lastbil, båd og alt andet, du ønsker at kunne overvåge. Kan også bruges til flådestyring.

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SKU: 2311-430


X-GPS track map

Hvis dit køretøj bliver stjålet, kan du nemt og hurtigt finde placeringen af ​​det.
Du kan overvåge dine køretøjer, maskiner, både osv. med denne ægte GPS/satellit tracker og få positionen i realtid.

Du skal bruge et 4G SIM-kort med data (medfølger ikke) for at kunne spore det og have noget teknisk snilde i forhold til at sætte det op, så det kan tale med en server og en kortudbyder.
Alt dette kan du købe som et abonnement til et lavt gebyr om måneden som en komplet plug and play-løsning.
Køber du en X-GPS track LUX sammen med abonnementet, kommer trackeren hjem til dig med et SIM-kort, sat op på serveren og koblet til X-GPS track webportalen, så du kun skal montere og tilslutte det til 12V-batteriet på dit køretøj.
Samtidig modtager du en mail med dit login til webportalen. Her kan du spore dit køretøj umiddelbart efter at have tilsluttet det til strøm fra dit køretøj.
Tilføjer du genvejen på din mobil, fungerer den som en APP og er hurtig at navigere til, frem for en webbrowser på din mobiltelefon.
Da webportalen er browserbaseret, kan du bruge den på mobiltelefoner, tablets, computere, alt, hvad der har en browser med internetadgang.
Web portal: www.x-gpstrack.com

SIM-kort / abonnement
Det SIM-kort, du skal bruge, skal understøtte 4G-netværket
When you order a tracker here in the shop, you can choose the SIM card below wich provides access to the web portal X-GPS track with tracking, history, GEO-fences, speeds and much more.
Husk at tilføje SIM-kortet nedenfor ved køb, hvis du ønsker at modtage GPS-trackeren fuldstændigt konfigureret på serverne og klar til brug på X-GPS-track.

Præcis ægte GPS-positionering

SIM-kort med EU-data 

Gratis support

Real-Time map 24/7

Backup batteri

Plug & play – Klar til brug og forbundet til map servere ved levering

Vilkår for SIM-kort.

Trackeren skal tilsluttes direkte til 12V enten på batteriet, eller et andet sted i ledningsnettet, hvor du kan lave en strøm "tyv" forbindelse.

Garanti: 2 år
Certificering: CE
Materiale: Plastik
Netværk: LTE 4G
Positioneringsfunktioner: GSM, GPS, GPRS, LBS, realtidspositionering
Funktioner: ANTI-Shock G-sensor, Gadevisning, Adresseopslag, Hastighed, Geofence, Strømtilstand, Bevægelsesdetektering osv.
Data: Cloudbaseret lagring
Positioneringsnoggrannhet: 5 meter
Tilslutning: 4 x Ledninger +/-, antenne og tænding. Minimum tilslutning er +/- 12-90V DC
Batteri: Indbygget genopladeligt backup-batteri med ca. 6-12 timers standbytid og ca. 3 timer i brug.
Dimensioner (HxDxB): 17 x 45 x 85 mm

1 x GPS tracker
1 x ledningssæt med 4-pin stik
1 x Selvklæbende velcro til montering uden skruehuller
Valgfrit 1 x SIM-kort, konfigureret og klar til brug ved levering.

Yderligere information

Vægt 0.2 kg
Mere om GPS-sporsystemet og hvad der ligger bag abonnementet.

The GPS tracker Actually consists of 4 things, where each small part together allows you to monitor your vehicles from a computer or mobile phone in the end.

1. The GPS tracker is a small box that is mounted on your vehicle and connected to 12 Volts.
The positioning takes place via satellites and therefore provides a very precise positioning.
In order for the GPS tracker to function as intended e.g. in case of theft, it must have constant power source.
This can e.g. is done by means of cable lugs directly on the vehicle's battery or by power thieves in another place in the vehicle's wiring harness where there is constant power.

2. A SIM card must be inserted in the GPS tracker in order to communicate with the server, which again delivers data to a map provider.
It does not matter which type of SIM card is used. The primary communication takes place via data, therefore it is important that there are data associated with the subscription to the SIM card. At the same time, it must be an EU data package, as roaming charges outside the country's borders can quickly become an expensive acquaintance. Whether your vehicle voluntarily or involuntarily moves around the EU, it is nice to know that there will not be an extra bill for data as soon as the vehicle has crossed a border.

3. In order to be able to follow the vehicle in which the tracker is mounted, on e.g. a web browser or an App, the tracker must be connected to a server.
This server is a link between the GPS tracker and the web portal and the traffic of data from the GPS tracker must be translated into a language that the web portal understands, which can then convert these data/codes into information that you can use for something useful.
The GPS tracker must be set up to be able to communicate with a server, which is done in a code language.

4. Web portal / App enables you from your mobile or computer, can see where your vehicle is, whether it is moving, the direction and speed, or stationary, and much more. All the data that enters the web portal from the server is delivered in codes which are again converted into e.g. a pin on a map that shows you information such as location, address, movement, power status, distance driven etc.

If you buy the GPS tracker without a subscription, you must take care of points 2, 3 and 4 on your own and there are no support from here on these points.
If you buy the GPS tracker with an X-SIM LUX card, points 2, 3 and 4 are included in a combined package for a fairly modest price.
When you receive the GPS track with the simultaneous purchase of X-SIM LUX, the tracker is set up and ready for use, it just needs to be mounted in or on the vehicle and connected to power. You will receive an email with your password for the web portal, which actually looks like Google maps, with the addition of some special functions.

Advantages of the X-GPS track system
It is not uncommon for a tracker to cost about 350-400 EUR + 135 EUR in installation and another 135 EUR in subscription per year. In total approx. 620 EUR for the first year. It is not the case that all systems and functions are the same from all providers and we will therefore not emphasize ours, above others in the market. Functionality is very different.
Why does it cost less than half for the first year with the X-track system?
Far fewer development hours have been spent on coding and programming. With the help from AI and the use of "open source" programs, the result is a lower price.
Everything is cloud based, which means that operating and development costs can be kept down.
In addition, the SIM card itself is offered as a service and is not profitable.
Another clear advantage is that you are the one who has access to the system (which is also anonymously).

X-GPS track LUX with subscription



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